Assoc. Prof. Tarik Cavusoglu
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Lipedema Treatment with VASERLipo (Vaser Liposuction)

Lipedema Treatment with VASERLipo (Vaser Liposuction)

A chronic illness called lipedema, which mainly affects women, is characterized by an abnormal build-up of fat, generally in the arms but also in the legs. This illness is frequently misdiagnosed or misunderstood, and it differs from regular weight gain or obesity. Let's examine this state in greater detail:

What is Lipedema?

  • Definition: Lipedema is a chronic illness marked by symmetrical leg expansion from fat deposits under the skin, frequently accompanied by pain and tenderness.
  • Characteristics: It usually affects the legs, though it occasionally affects the arms as well. Significant physical discomfort as well as emotional misery may result from the disease.

Causes of Lipedema

  • Unknown Origins: Although the precise cause of lipedema is unknown, genetics is thought to have a role.
  • Hormonal Factors: It is believed that changes in hormones, especially during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, may cause or worsen the illness.

Who Is Affected by Lipedema?

  • Gender and Age: Although rare occurrences in men have been documented, lipedema primarily affects women. Usually, it begins during puberty or other periods of hormonal shift.
  • Genetic Factors: A genetic susceptibility may be indicated by a family history of comparable symptoms.

Progression of Lipedema

  • Chronic Nature: Lipedema can get worse over time because it is a progressive condition.
  • Non-Responsive to Diet and Exercise: In contrast to normal fat, lipedemic fat does not considerably disappear while following a diet and exercising.

Diagnosis of Lipedema

  • Clinical Evaluation: Based mostly on the patient's medical history and physical examination, the diagnosis is made.
  • Differential Diagnosis: It's critical to distinguish lipedema from illnesses such as obesity or lymphedema.

Treatment of Lipedema

  • Conservative Treatments: Compression therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, and exercise are examples of conservative treatments. These don't treat lipedema; they can only assist control its symptoms.
  • Medications: Although there are no specific drugs for lipedema, pain management strategies may be employed in conjunction with lipedema symptoms.

Surgical Treatments of Lipedema

  • Liposuction: The best surgical procedure for eliminating lipedema fat is liposuction.
  • VASER Liposuction: VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) liposuction is regarded as the gold standard in lipedema treatment since it is more focused and less intrusive than other methods.

VASER Liposuction for Lipedema

  • The Procedure: To minimize damage to the surrounding tissues, VASER liposuction breaks up and liquefies fat cells using ultrasonic technology before removing them.
  • Effectiveness and Benefits: Compared to standard liposuction, this technique has the advantage of less pain and quicker recovery while being extremely effective at removing lipedemic fat.
  • Post-Surgery: Following surgery, patients usually experience a quicker return to normal activities and less bruising and swelling.

Why VASER Liposuction is Considered the Gold Standard

  • Precision and Efficiency: It is effective for the thick fat associated with lipedema because it selectively targets fat cells while sparing other tissues.
  • Less Side Effects: There is less bruising and swelling for the patients.
  • High Success Rates: Research has demonstrated a strong correlation between improved symptoms and high satisfaction rates.

In summary;

Although lipedema is a difficult illness to manage, advances in treatment, especially VASER liposuction, give hope for successful outcomes. For an accurate diagnosis and suitable treatment planning, patients should see medical professionals experienced in treating lipedema.

With an emphasis on VASER liposuction, this all-encompassing approach to controlling lipedema highlights the significance of expert care when handling complicated medical issues.

What is VASER liposuction?

VASER liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical method that targets lipedema-affected areas and breaks up and removes fatty tissue using ultrasonic technology.

How does VASER liposuction differ from traditional liposuction?

In comparison to traditional liposuction, VASER liposuction is less invasive, more focused, and causes less stress to surrounding tissues by liquefying fat cells using ultrasonic waves.

Is VASER liposuction effective for lipedema?

Absolutely, VASER liposuction is seen to be quite successful in treating lipedema, particularly in terms of lowering the amount of lipedemic fat and easing symptoms related to it.

Who is a good candidate for VASER liposuction for lipedema?

People with a diagnosis of lipedema, stable weight, excellent general health, and reasonable expectations for the results are the best candidates.

What areas can be treated with VASER liposuction for lipedema?

The legs, thighs, buttocks, and even the arms are treated frequently because they are the common lipedema sites.

Is the procedure painful?

The operation normally involves anesthetic, so the patient experiences very little pain. Painkillers that are prescribed can help with post-operative discomfort.

What is the recovery time for VASER liposuction?

The time it takes for early healing varies, but it usually takes a few days to a week. It may take several months to fully recuperate and observe the desired outcome.

Are there any risks associated with VASER liposuction for lipedema?

The dangers associated with surgery are infection, hemorrhage, and anesthesia-related side effects. Particular dangers associated with VASER liposuction include transient numbness and uneven contours.

How long do results from VASER liposuction last?

Long-lasting effects are possible, particularly if patients continue to lead healthy lifestyles and keep a stable weight.

Will I need multiple treatments after Vaser liposuction for Lipedema?

Depending on the severity of their lipedema, some patients may need more than one treatment to get the desired outcomes.

How much fat can be removed in one session?

The amount of fat that can be safely eliminated in one session varies depending on the specific instance. The right amount will be decided by your surgeon.

Is VASER liposuction covered by insurance?

The answer varies depending on the insurance company and the policy. Although liposuction is typically not covered because it is a cosmetic operation, there may be some exceptions if it is medically necessary.

Can lipedema return after VASER liposuction?

VASER liposuction permanently removes fat cells, but treatment does not treat the underlying cause of lipedema, which is a chronic problem. Sustained supervision could be required.

How is VASER liposuction performed?

The process entails making tiny incisions, putting in a probe to liquefy fat cells using ultrasonic energy, and then sucking out the fat.

What is the VASER liposuction success rate for lipedema?

In general, success rates are high, and many patients report notable improvements in their quality of life and symptoms.

How do I prepare for VASER liposuction?

In order to be prepared, you should get a medical evaluation, talk with your surgeon about your expectations, and adhere to any pre-operative advice, such as not taking certain drugs.

What kind of anesthesia is used?

Depending on the extent of the surgery, the procedure may be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthetic along with sedation.

What is the post-operative care for VASER liposuction?

Using compression garments, avoiding physically demanding activities, going to follow-up appointments, and according to your surgeon's care recommendations are all part of post-operative care.

Can VASER liposuction treat other conditions besides lipedema?

Absolutely, VASER liposuction is also utilized to treat different conditions where removing fat is advantageous and to sculpt the body.

How soon after the procedure will I see results?

Following surgery, initial benefits are noticeable right away, but it may take many months for the full effects to show when the swelling goes down.

Will there be scarring from VASER liposuction?

Because the incisions are so small, there is very little scarring, and the scars usually disappear over time.

Can VASER liposuction improve mobility?

Many patients report more mobility and reduced lipedema-related pain and discomfort, which improves their general quality of life.

What are the benefits of VASER liposuction over other liposuction techniques?

Benefits include improved preservation of surrounding tissues, faster recovery, reduced bruising and swelling, and more accurate fat removal.

Is there an age limit for undergoing VASER liposuction for lipedema?

Patients must be in good general health; there is no upper age limit. The appropriateness for elderly individuals varies based on personal health and medical background.

How long do I need to wear compression garments after the surgery?

As directed by your surgeon, compression garments are usually worn for a few weeks following surgery.

Are there any lifestyle changes I need to make post-surgery?

The key to maintaining the benefits of the operation is to maintain a nutritious diet, engage in regular exercise, and control your weight.

What happens if I gain weight after VASER liposuction?

Gaining weight may have an impact on the outcomes. Other parts of the body may acquire volume more quickly than the treated area.

Can VASER liposuction eliminate cellulite?

VASER liposuction is not a cellulite treatment specifically, however it can reduce the appearance of cellulite by eliminating fat.

How much does VASER liposuction for lipedema cost?

The extent of the treatment, the location, and the surgeon's level of experience all affect the cost. Costs should ideally be discussed at a consultation.

How do I choose a surgeon for VASER liposuction?

Find a board-certified plastic surgeon who has completed VASER liposuction and has experience treating lipedema. Examine their credentials, testimonials, and prior patients' before and after pictures.

Update Date: 02.12.2023
Assoc. Prof. Tarık Çavuşoğlu
Assoc. Prof. Tarik Cavusoglu
Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist
The content of the page is for informational purposes only.
Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.

+90541 932 4689

Assoc. Prof. Tarık ÇavuşoğluAssoc. Prof. Tarık ÇavuşoğluPlastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist
+90541 932 4689